Compound Words

Posted by : Schola on Tue 2020-08-04

schola thumbnail

1. Look at the picture! Choose the correct compound word

Look at the picture! Choose the correct compound word
  1. mailbox
  2. boxmail

2. Look at the picture! Choose the correct compound word

Look at the picture! Choose the correct compound word
  1. flydragon
  2. dragonfly

3. Choose the correct missing word

Choose the correct missing word
  1. bed
  2. time

4. Choose the correct missing word

Choose the correct missing word
  1. house
  2. bird

5. Choose the correct missing word

Choose the correct missing word
  1. tooth
  2. brush

6. Choose the correct missing word

Choose the correct missing word
  1. sun
  2. flower

7. Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks
  1. fly / dragon
  2. mail / box
  3. bed / time

8. Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks
  1. mail / box
  2. dragon / fly
  3. tooth / brush

9. Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks
  1. sun / flower
  2. bed / time
  3. bird / house

10. Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks
  1. tooth / brush
  2. mail / box
  3. sun / flower

11. Fill in the blanks

Fill in the blanks
  1. bed / time
  2. mail / box
  3. flower / sun